IT Service Level Agreement
This document describes what is and what is not supported by the IT department.
What is supported?
What is excluded from support
Who is being supported?
Employees (IT needs to be able to have a list of employees)
Where is support provided?
IT support is provided on campus but excluding the following areas:
locker rooms,
changing rooms,
locker room offices,
prophet's chamber.
When is support provided?
support is provided during open hours Monday through Friday 8:00 - 16:30 IT infrastructure Services (network, servers) are available for use 6:00 - 18:00 IT infrastructure Services (network, servers) may not be available for use 18:00 - 6:00
How long will we take to complete support requests?
The work order system uses priorities, but not urgency fields. we should map out priorities to urgency to severity
Highest - IT Emergency. Outage prevents multiple people from being able to do any work. all resources go to this item until it is resolved.
High - someone totally unable to work or a service not available to a group.
Medium - regular work requests. Hampered functionality until service restored
Low - low priority, but it needs to happen.
Lowest - we are putting this on the radar because we don't want to forget it, but we don't have a date due.