Table of Contents

Bring Your Own Device Policy

At {Bethel Ministries} we acknowledge the importance of mobile technologies in improving ministry communication and productivity. In addition to the increased use of mobile devices, staff members have requested the option of connecting their own mobile devices to {Bethel Ministries}'s network and equipment. We encourage you to read this document in full and to act upon the recommendations. This policy should be read and carried out by all staff.

Purpose of the Policy

This policy provides guidelines for the use of personally owned notebooks, smart phones, tablets and {insert other types of mobile devices} for ministry purposes. All staff who use or access {Bethel Ministries}'s technology equipment and/or services are bound by the conditions of this Policy.


Current mobile devices approved for ministry use

The following personally owned mobile devices are approved to be used for ministry purposes:

Registration of personal mobile devices for ministry use

Guidance: You will need to consider if the ministry is to have any control over the applications that are used for ministry purposes and/or used on the personal devices.

Employees when using personal devices for ministry use will register the device with {insert relevant job title or department here}.

{insert relevant job title or department here} will record the device and all applications used by the device.

Personal mobile devices can only be used for the following ministry purposes:

Each employee who utilises personal mobile devices agrees:

All employees who have a registered personal mobile device for ministry use acknowledge that the ministry:

Keeping mobile devices secure

The following must be observed when handling mobile computing devices (such as notebooks and iPads):


This policy is mandatory unless {insert relevant job title or department here} grants an exemption. Any requests for exemptions from any of these directives, should be referred to the {insert relevant job title or department here}.

Breach of this policy

Any breach of this policy will be referred to {insert relevant job title} who will review the breach and determine adequate consequences, which can include { insert consequences here such as confiscation of the device and or termination of employment.}


{Bethel Ministries} bears no responsibility whatsoever for any legal action threatened or started due to conduct and activities of staff in accessing or using these resources or facilities. All staff indemnify {Bethel Ministries} against any and all damages, costs and expenses suffered by {Bethel Ministries} arising out of any unlawful or improper conduct and activity, and in respect of any action, settlement or compromise, or any statutory infringement. Legal prosecution following a breach of these conditions may result independently from any action by {Bethel Ministries}.

Additional Policies for Ministry Mobile Phone Use

Guidance: add, link or remove the policies listed below as required. Technology Hardware Purchasing Policy Use of Software policy Purchasing Policy