====== IT Service Level Agreement ====== This document describes what is and what is not supported by the IT department. ===== What is supported? ===== * [[protected:Network]] * Managed Computers (domain joined computers) * [[printers|Managed Printers/Scanners]] * [[protected:start#servers|Servers]] * [[norstar|Phones]] * [[protected:start#digital_signs|Digital Signs]] * [[Projectors]] * [[Software]] ==== What is excluded from support ==== * [[bring_your_own_device|BYOD]] * personal devices * Rogue network, devices and software ===== Who is being supported? ===== [[Employees]] (IT needs to be able to have a list of employees) ===== Where is support provided? ===== IT support is provided on campus but excluding the following areas: * locker rooms, * changing rooms, * locker room offices, * bathrooms, * prophet's chamber. ===== When is support provided? ===== support is provided during open hours Monday through Friday 8:00 - 16:30 IT infrastructure Services (network, servers) are available for use 6:00 - 18:00 IT infrastructure Services (network, servers) may not be available for use 18:00 - 6:00 ===== How long will we take to complete support requests? ===== The work order system uses priorities, but not urgency fields. we should map out priorities to urgency to severity * Highest - IT Emergency. Outage prevents multiple people from being able to do any work. all resources go to this item until it is resolved. * High - someone totally unable to work or a service not available to a group. * Medium - regular work requests. Hampered functionality until service restored * Low - low priority, but it needs to happen. * Lowest - we are putting this on the radar because we don't want to forget it, but we don't have a date due.